
Where Is The Mold Even More Mold?

Travel to the Maintenance NSC Coolant Pumps. After eliminating all foes, employ levitation to reach a higher-level location. Mold can be found here. 8 Feb 2021

Where Is The Mold Even More Mold?

Can I Stay In My House With Black Mold?

Can I live in my black mold-infested home? It is advised that you avoid areas where mold spores are present until all black mold has been eliminated from your house. This is due to the poisonous nature of black mold, which can have both short-term and long-term effects on health. 22 May 2021

What Removes Mold?

For hard surfaces in bathrooms and kitchens, use white vinegar undiluted. To kill mold, you can also use a bleach solution. Don't rinse after applying one cup of bleach and one gallon of water to the surface. Ammonia and water should be combined 50/50.

Where Is The Mold In The Abandoned Offices?

Jesse has to climb a short distance in the Abandoned Offices to reach the entrance to the mold area. Just before getting to the Operations Corridor, this is. You will encounter a mold-filled area in the A/C Systems location after jumping into a shaft and eliminating two monsters. Hard to miss, really. 3 Sept 2020

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